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Marks of a Worthy Mission: Part 1, A God-Sized Vision

At FCA we often talk about seeking and clarifying a God-sized vision for our lives and ministries. In doing so we aim to convey that God’s vision is immense and, by implication, impossible. That is, it’s impossible on our own. We purposely position ourselves into a posture of reliance on Him and His ability. And this vision is centered on building the only Kingdom vouchsafed to eternity.

When we speak of a God-sized vision, we’re not expecting every climb to be an Everest or every word to be one heard around the world. Truly, it’s a different notion of size than we’re used to. We’re referring to one simply larger than ourselves; further than our capabilities or interests; greater than our dreams or desires. The success of such a vision is beyond our reach and even that of our community. It is innately dependent on a divine act. It scares us at times. And yet, it could be as “small” as clothing or feeding another. “I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me” (Matt. 25:40 HCSB).

This type of fruit can only grow from a soil softened under the Lordship of Jesus. His authority feeds everything we do with purpose and passion. It empowers us to live, act and participate in sincerity and clarity. We will show grace because we’ve been shown grace. We will forgive because we’ve been forgiven. We will fully love because we’ve been fully loved. It is only in the softened soil of humility, that the seed of a God-sized vision can take root and be cultivated.

The art of cultivating, then, begins in the Great Commission given in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.” This God-sized vision is a one-size-fits-all. It’s an instruction for everyone under His authority and serves as His calling on His people for His purposes. Stemming from this vision we find clarity for our churches, our families, and our lives. This God-sized vision then reaches into even our Mondays and Tuesdays. Here are a few questions I’ve used to cultivate and clarify my God-sized vision through different seasons:

Am I subjecting every aspect of my life to His authority?

What attractions am I allowing to distract me?

What fears am I allowing to throttle me?

Are my capabilities defining my boundaries?

How can I join God’s work in the lives of those around me?

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