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Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

There is a chapter In Paul David Tripp’s book Grace-filled Parenting that spoke to me recently. Tripp shares how God can use us to show our children what a gracious and loving Father we have, One who will progressively deliver them from the hold that sin has on them when they willingly acknowledge their disobedience and come to Him.

Traditionally, at our house my wife and I have stockings hanging fireside before Christmas day, while our children’s stockings don’t appear filled until Christmas morning. In recent years, my six-year-old son Jacob has become more curious, but he has been told to not look inside his stocking until Christmas morning. To this point, the kids have been very compliant. This year however, a few days before Christmas I heard something in the living room. When I walked into the room, there was Jacob looking up at me. Without me ever saying a word, I saw in his eyes that he knew he had done something wrong. Jacob has a strong moral conscience(must be from his mother) and he knew in his own heart that he had gone against his parents’ instruction. Because I saw his remorse, I desired to help him get through it by telling him how he can come to God for forgiveness when he does things he knows are not right in His eyes. 

The challenge Tripp presents is if I model how God wants us to respond to Him to my own children, then they will see how they can receive God’s grace. Though my son was wrong for not listening and obeying, as his parent I was able to show him what a gracious and loving Heavenly Father we have if we are willing to come to Him.

We all have times in our lives when we don’t need someone to point out when we’ve done something wrong, because the Holy Spirit will reveal the things in our life that are not of God. If we are willing to come before Him, and relinquish control of our lives to Him who has everlasting love for us, we will always be able to receive His grace and sanctification.

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