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The Advantage

Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. John 16:7

Having the advantage over your opponent in sports or in life is an interesting place to be. On one hand, it is exactly the position you desire. On the other hand, you know just how fragile the position is and that it can be lost at any moment even with the slightest misstep.

I can remember as I was running the only marathon I have ever attempted to run in my life feeling as though I had the advantage. After completing the first twenty miles in three hours, I was feeling great and had my goal of completion under four hours in sight. With 6.2 miles remaining, I hit the proverbial “wall” and any advantage that I felt I had was suddenly gone. It took me one hour and twenty-two minutes to finish the race. I had clearly lost the advantage.

As Jesus was preparing his followers for his departure, He described how in leaving them it would actually be to their advantage. Conversely to earthly or temporary advantages, this advantage would never leave his disciples. The Holy Spirit would allow Christ’s message of the coming Kingdom to go forward in ways that would not have been otherwise possible if Jesus hadn’t completed His mission. 

Easter brings so many emotions with it. From despair in the death of Christ on Good Friday to the waiting and mourning of Saturday to the elation of the resurrection on Sunday, we see the fullness of the gospel revealed. Today, the Kingdom of God is expanding to all nations and to every corner of the earth by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is easy for us to see now that it truly was to our advantage that Jesus would give His life for each of us.

That said, you may be feeling as though you are disadvantaged at this present moment. Perhaps, you have been in a season where you have seen little or no progress in some areas of your life. I know that for me, the daily challenges of being a great husband, father of three and being a great Christ like example in the world today can leave me feeling as if I have lost my advantage.

My prayer for us today is to be reminded and hold fast to the great promise Jesus made to all who follow him. His promised Holy Spirit is alive in us and is the only advantage we will ever need. By His Spirit, we know the truth and can live each day with purpose and hope. By His Spirit, we always have the advantage.

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