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Gone Fishin'

I’m a “let’s have a plan type of guy.” Before taking on a task I usually ask myself, “Do I have the best possible resources and a strategy to carry it out?” In the final chapter of the Book of John, God showed me something I often miss when it comes to taking action. 

It is the third and final time that Jesus appears to His disciples following His resurrection. Early in the morning as He is standing on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, He sees His disciples fishing. During His three years of ministry, Jesus had taught his disciples to become fishers of men, yet, they still are not getting it and have returned to their old way of life. Jesus shouts out to them, “Have you any fish?” To which they respond, “No.” He instructs them to cast their net on the other side of the boat, and when they listen to Him to their amazement they bring in 153 fish, and yet the net was not torn!  When the disciples listened to Jesus, He provided them with the capacity to catch the fish, even with a net that, in their eyes, was too small and not strong enough.

With his question, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” he is not being accusatory, He is just checking in with them. Oftentimes when we are presented with something He wants us do we might say, “God, that’s a nice idea, but I can’t do that. I’m not ready for it. I don’t have the capacity to do what it is you really want me to do.” But God says, “Just go do it.” Here, the disciples didn’t have all the right equipment, but He provided it. 

Clearly, the disciples needed a new fishing strategy, but it had to come from Jesus. When Jesus tells them, “Bring me some of the fish you have just caught,” He reminds us of the part we play in winning others to Him. He has a part in it, but we have a part as well. When we choose to wait for His guidance and follow it, He will show us how to become His ambassadors.

I wonder how many “fish” we could catch if we went fishing for men, rather than for fish.  In Matthew 4:19, Jesus says, “Come, follow me and I will show you how to fish for people.” Metaphorically, we have a part in reaping the harvest of souls for Christ. 

John reminds us in his final chapter about Jesus’s desire for us to trust and follow Him in the limited time we have on earth. Just as Jesus’ time on earth was short, we, too, are here for only a while. Are you ready to follow Him right now when He says, “Come, follow me!” even if you think you aren’t ready? Are you willing to trust in His plan, not your own?”

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