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Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14

In the story of the Samaritan woman in John 4, Jesus is traveling back to Galilee from Judea, when he decides to make a stop in Samaria. There, He encounters a woman who has come to the well for water. When she realizes who Jesus is, she knows she had been thirsty for much more than the water the well could provide. 

Jesus does not initially offer her His living water, instead he asks her a question: “Where is your husband?” He is not able to give her hope in the living water until she admits her own sinfulness in her past relationships. The moment when the woman realizes her brokenness becomes an inflection point in her life. She then returns home where she begins to tell people her testimony and through her story, God transformed an entire village to believe in him.

 I was struck by how often we hear God calling us while we are in the middle of wanting something else for our lives. He will wait patiently for us to admit our sin and realize the need we have for Him.  Several years ago, I experienced an inflection point when I found myself in a situation that appeared hopeless after causing someone dear in my life tremendous pain. I had made many bad choices, but it wasn’t until I finally admitted I had done something wrong, when things turned around in my life. Like the woman at the well, I had to come to the end of myself before I was able to focus on what He wanted to do in my life. 

My encouragement and challenge this week is for us to consider an area of life that needs to be released to God. Are you holding back any intentional or unintentional sin? He is there to take it from you and only his grace can allow for true healing and restoration. His living water can be yours today!

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